
Helixconnect (private/SME) provides a better hands-on approach to facilitating innovation, helping organisations grow and enabling a proper integration among innovators, NGOs, industry and government. Our vision is to bridge global innovation systems and enable global knowledge and technology transfer. With the up-rise of modern technologies and organisational performance frameworks, massive shifts and business model innovations are required in order to transform organisations to stay competitive while ensuring that they reach their intended impact in a fair and responsible manner. HELIXCONNECT has 5 main departments: 

  •       Triple Helix Romania (knowledge and technology transfer via a triple/quadruple helix approach)
  •       Center for Digital Transformation (toolkits for digital transformation of higher education) 
  •       Balkan Science Tellers (toolkits for citizen science and science communication)
  •       Bauhaus & Inclusive Cities (toolkits for participatory engagement in sustainable and inclusive urban development)
  •       Ecosystem Integration Centre (research & innovation commercialization platform) 

Address: 282A, Bucovat, Timisoara Romania, 307352

Website: https://helix-connect.com/
Contact email: [email protected]